
IAS Success Story: She Missed UPSC Interview Call By One Mark, Secured AIR 1 In Next Attempt; Her Secret Recipes Is...

Shruti enrolled at the esteemed Jamia Millia Islamia Residential Coaching Academy to prepare for the UPSC examination. 

IAS Success Story: She Missed UPSC Interview Call By One Mark, Secured AIR 1 In Next Attempt; Her Secret Recipes Is...

The UPSC examination is not just an aspiration for numerous individuals; it's a deep-seated passion. Nevertheless, falling short of success in this prestigious exam by a small margin can be truly disheartening. Nonetheless, those individuals who possess unwavering determination don't allow setbacks to deter them; they persist and push forward even in the face of failures. For students exhibiting the right attitude and mindset to conquer the UPSC exam, hard work transforms into a crucial foundation for achieving greater success. A prime example of such resilience is exemplified by Shruti Sharma, who clinched the coveted All India Rank 1 position despite narrowly missing the interview call by a single mark.

Shruti enrolled at the esteemed Jamia Millia Islamia Residential Coaching Academy to prepare for the UPSC examination. Her hard-earned success arrived after an intensive four-year journey of preparation. Shruti Sharma is an alumna of both Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and St. Stephen's College at Delhi University, boasting an impressive academic track record that began during her school years at Sardar Patel Vidyalaya in Delhi. Originally hailing from Bijnor district in Uttar Pradesh, she has always excelled academically.

Reflecting on her remarkable achievement, Shruti recalled narrowly missing the interview call by a single mark in her initial attempt. During this first attempt, she had to take the mains exam in Hindi due to some language-related challenges. However, in her subsequent attempt, Shruti secured the top rank in the UPSC exam of 2021, achieving an outstanding total score of 54.75 percent.

Shruti unveiled her strategy, emphasizing her dedication to reviewing her meticulously prepared notes and consistently practicing writing answers tailored for the UPSC Mains exam. Additionally, she placed a high priority on staying updated with current affairs, dedicating substantial time to studying through reputable general knowledge websites and newspapers. For aspiring IAS candidates striving to succeed in the exam, she advocates for regular practice with online test series and emphasizes the significance of utilizing coaching notes as a valuable resource.